Extension Master Gardener Program
All residents of Arlington and the City of Alexandria are eligible to enroll in the Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Volunteer Training. Trainees receive about 60 hours of hands-on and classroom education from Extension agents and specialists, university faculty, green industry professionals, and Arlington and Alexandria park and recreation administrators. Newly graduated EMG Interns then complete the remainder of their 120 hours of training working on Intern projects, demonstration gardens, EMG Help Desk, plant clinics, and community special events. After completing these additional training/service hours, Interns become Certified Extension Master Gardeners. For more information on applying to become a volunteer, please visit our Become an Extension Master Gardener site.
Once certified, EMGs are eligible to become members of Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia (MGNV). MGNV, a registered non-profit led by an elected board of officers, is an organization of volunteers who work with the staff of Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) to encourage and promote environmentally sound gardening practices.